We raise, breed, and love our Nigerian Dwarf Goats. These miniature dairy goats are great milk producers for their size and their milk is higher in butterfat than all other breeds, which makes for a luxurious soap!

Farm Fresh Eggs
Farm fresh eggs from our free-ranging happy hens are laid daily and are available for local pick-up. Be sure to ask about egg availability when picking up your soap order!

About Us
Hidden Acres Homestead is our family owned 3+ acre homestead located in Plymouth, Massachusetts. We are both nurses by day, and homesteaders 24/7. We raise free-range hens, Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and Babydoll Sheep. Nichole is the artisan behind the hand-made goat milk soap, while Evan handles most of the dirty work around the farm, keeping soap in high demand at our house. Our son, Coady, runs with the sheep, jumps with the goats, and cackles with the hens. We are all living our best life here on our little homestead.